Coding like my research depends on itGoing from learning to code on my own, to the classroom, to a boot camp, then back to the classroom but as a teacher, before settling on…Apr 18, 2024Apr 18, 2024
Dr. Shamika Klassen, or How I Learned to be an Information Scientist and Love TechnologyMy journey from math camp to Ph. D. and how the twists and turns inform my positionality as a researcher.Apr 17, 2024Apr 17, 2024
33 Questions from Computer Science Students about My Research — AnsweredI was invited to share my research with CS folks who had a few questions…Apr 16, 2024Apr 16, 2024
The Stoop: Best New App for Black People in 2025The design fiction entitled, “The Stoop: Speculation on Positive Futures of Black Digital Spaces” was written by myself and Dr. Casey…Dec 19, 2022Dec 19, 2022
Why Tech Needs a ChaplainA case for incorporating chaplaincy into both the tech industry and for people and organizations who use technology.Oct 27, 2021Oct 27, 2021
Published inACM CSCWMore than a Modern Day Green Book: Exploring the Online Community of Black TwitterThis blog post is a summary of the above paper about how people on Twitter who are familiar with Black Twitter are uplifted by the…Sep 27, 2021Sep 27, 2021